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Tyler continued in our Finding Peace in an Anxious World series focusing on Self-Denial over Self-Indulgence. He emphasized the dangers of materialism, and the transformative power of generosity and contentment rooted in faith. It begins with a reminder that worldly possessions are temporary and encourages gratitude for basic needs, warning against the destructive allure of wealth and comparison. Instead, true wealth is found in contentment, generosity, and faith.

Jesus gave up the treasures of heaven to make you His treasure.

What you need is not simply to resist money, what you need is to replace it entirely as the source of your deepest desires. When you see God dying to make you His treasure, money will cease to be the currency of your significance, or your security, or your comfort. When you grasp the gospel, money loses its grasp over you. So, think on His costly grace, and it’ll change you into a giver.

“You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich.” – 2 Corinthians 8:9