Times: Sundays @ 9:00am & 11:00am
9900 Brownsboro Road
Louisville, KY 40241
Times: Sundays @ 9:00am & 11:00am
When You Arrive
Each service is laid back, so come as you are – even if that means shorts and flip-flops! We’ll have a time of worship with music, take communion together, collect a weekly offering, and hear a message designed to inspire and challenge you toward growth in your relationship with Jesus.
Have questions? Not sure what you believe? Struggling? Going through a rough patch? That’s ok! When we say, “Come as you are”, we mean it!
Stop by the Welcome Center and we will answer all your questions and help you get settled in. We even have a gift for your first time joining us!
We have plenty of spaces and a parking team to help get you into a spot. If you’re just visiting, we have dedicated parking for you too. We have awesome volunteers that can assist with where you need to go, and help you feel welcomed.
We all need it. We have complimentary coffee to help with your morning fix. Stop and say “Hello” at our Welcome Center and introduce yourself! We can help direct you around Northeast and answer any questions you may have.
For Your Kids & Students
Explore Birth – 5th Grade
Explore Middle & High School
Ready for your next step?
Join us at Northeast Basics! Getting connected in a new church can feel overwhelming, especially in a place the size of Northeast. We’re making it painless for you to take your next step at Northeast with our four week course, Northeast Basics. Northeast Basics will answer the foundational questions: Who is Northeast? What do we do? How do we do it? How can I help?