Meet Our Team

Jesus called his followers to a life of service. Our staff leads the way, but we can’t be the church without you. We’re a family here at Northeast, and like a family, we all pitch in.


Tyler McKenzie

Tyler McKenzie

Lead Pastor

Tomara Brown

Tomara Brown

Lead Executive Pastor

Jason Shreve

Jason Shreve

Lead Pastor: Weekend Experience & Growth

Jon Lee

Jon Lee

Executive Pastor: Family & Prayer

Terrence Turman

Terrence Turman

Executive Pastor: Spiritual Formation & Care


Megan Fleming

Megan Fleming

Executive Assistant to Lead Pastor

Shawna Donahue

Shawna Donahue


Tim Nischan

Tim Nischan

Financial Administrator

Tiffany Roden

Tiffany Roden

HR Director

Bethanie Talbot

Bethanie Talbot

HR Administrative Assistant

Rosemarie Arsenault

Rosemarie Arsenault

Executive Assistant to Lead Executive Pastor

Beverly Gillespie

Beverly Gillespie


Campus Operations

Rodney Burris

Campus Operations Director

David Ricci

Campus Operations Staff

Clover Traughber

Campus Operations Staff

Logan Norris

Campus Operations Staff

Lynette Huff

Campus Operations Staff

Spiritual Formation & Care

Terrence Turman

Terrence Turman

Executive Pastor: Spiritual Formation & Care

Isaiah Elliott

First Impressions Director

Rich Cottrell

Director of Next Steps

Colin Lyman

Young Adults Pastor

Richard Mosqueda

Pastor of Discipleship Ministries

Beka Palmer

Spiritual Formation & Care Associate

Jennifer Holden

Spiritual Formation & Care Administrative Assistant

Family & Prayer

Jon Lee

Jon Lee

Executive Pastor: Family & Prayer

Julie Miles

Family Ministries Administrative Assistant

Kari Clark

Early Childhood Team Lead

April Berry

Kidzone Director

Jessica Venter

Preschool Director

Lindsey Weber

Elementary Ministry Leader for K/3

Katherine Reed

Youth 6/8 Pastor

Jacob Stewart

Youth Team Lead

Trevor Marshall

Youth Worship Leader

Weekend Experience & Growth

Jason Shreve

Jason Shreve

Lead Pastor: Weekend Experience & Growth

Jessalyn Nischan

Weekend Experience and Growth Admin

Corbin Marshall

Worship Arts Team Lead

Lindsay McKenzie

Worship Arts Associate

Mac Stephens

Worship Technologies Pastor

Geoff Gittli

Audio Engineer

Jon Hoffman

Broadcast Producer

Lindsay Keck

Clifton Campus Pastor

Aaron Crane

Clifton Worship Pastor

Todd Stinson

Deaf Pastor

Prasad Aghamkar

International Pastor


Jay Schroder

Outreach Team Lead

Kris Eldridge

Local Outreach Pastor

Leslie Bowman

Outreach Associate

Madison Paul

Global Outreach Director

Todd Nischan

Outreach Associate


Amy Merz

Communications Team Lead

Lisa Middleton

Data Administrator

Derek Keijner

Graphic Designer

Sunni Wigginton

Social Media & Photography

Jonathan Thomas

Video Director & Teaching Team Administrator

Matt Gaither



Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust.
-Acts 14:23

Governance Model

Northeast is fortunate to have a strong staff, including a leadership team and Lead Pastor that actively govern Northeast operations. The Elder team functions as the final layer of governance which establishes policy, conducts the ministry of prayer, practices the ministry of the word, and performs oversight of pastoral matters.  Through governance, the Elders at Northeast are unified to provide strategic direction and to hold the Lead Pastor accountable for the health and wellness of every aspect of Northeast.

“Now the overseer must be above reproach,…”   Acts 3:2-13

“Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good….”  1 Corinthians 12:7-11

Elders Team

Elders are engaged Northeast Stakeholders equal in authority and possessing diverse gifts, knowledge, and experience that serve up to a 4 year term.  Our Elder team is called to live out the following biblical core values:

  • Above Reproach (1 Timothy 3)
  • Teachable Spirit (Proverbs 12:1)
  • Humble Spirit (Isaiah 66:2)
  • Strong Biblical Knowledge (Psalms 119:66)
  • Commitment to Tithe and to Teaching God’s Word (Leviticus 27:30)
  • Unified/Team Approach (Colossians 3:14)